Had the opportunity to wake up late today, but I really didn't. I need better blinds I think. Got to the city pretty early for yoga. Got some shopping in. Surprise surprise, I bought some books. Total of 3 today.
-A graphic novel of The Anthem by Ayn Rand
-Reality Hunger by David Shields
-Ignore Everybody by Hugh Macleod
I also bought some software to solve some of the issues I had been having with my workflow in making music. I would have spent more money if I had gotten to the city earlier (whew, it was a close one).
Yoga actually was pretty good considering my shoulder was a bit messed up. Damn you Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I truthfully had a pretty cerebral day. I was thinking that today was a pretty good day. I had been getting so used to making things happen and keeping at it and all that motivational stuff. But in moving in whatever direction your moving, you occasionally have those days that seem to just work for you. Don't get me wrong, you'll always have to keep at it, but now and then you just run into good fortune. You accomplish without having to try too hard...which is nice.
Is life really about work anyway. I mean, if your doing and being shouldn't the dance of life follow. I guess that would be nice, but sometimes it does feel like that. The song writes itself in 15 minutes. The bus gets there just as you walk up to the bus stop. The parking spot that opens up just as you pull up. Today for me it was the software which I found out about Monday and contemplated yesterday goes on sale for more than half price today. The people and friends that I said I didn't have called me today. And more little and bigger things throughout this day.
Maybe it was the work and preparation that put me there. Maybe it's the universe knowing that I will keep going no matter what that it surrenders occasionally to my will. At other times, it comes as I am about to give up that some event just occurs to keep me on track. I guess there are times in life that you have to make things happen...at other times you let them happen. It's a relinquishing of control and accept life in that moment. As a perfect moment. A surrendering to that moment. Letting it Be.
It also reminds me to be grateful for everything in life. It reminds me that all the struggle is worth it all. As long as love what you do. As long as life excites you. As long as you wake up that day and wonder what thing you will see that day that you've never seen before. Yeah, there are gonna be days that just plain old suck. But after a while you just get used to that being par for the course. As long as what you are working for in the end is worth it. Anyhow, a video I came across. I guess people will take different things from this video. For me, I guess a lot of my life I was expected to be all these things. I never 100% fit. My parents wanted me to be a doctor. In some ways I feel like I disappointed them. I may have disappointed myself. But watching this video made me just realize how we have to be reminded in our being perfect just as we are...anyhow, very nice story:
Nite, nite;)
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