Monday, January 3, 2011

20 Dollar Socks and the lesson of the Soggy Feet

So I was hanging around the city waiting for my yoga class to start and if you haven't heard, there recently was a large blizzard here on the east coast. A good amount of snow had been cleared, yet there was still a decent amount of snow on the ground. If you had ever been in the city after any snowfall you know there are puddles at every street corner. Let me tell you, not all puddles are created equal. I stepped in what I thought was a puddle only a couple of inches deep. It ended up being about a foot deep and I proceeded to soak my foot to the bone. Trying my best to look composed as I made it through the "puddle minefield" I realized that I would need to pick up some socks.

I go to a local outdoor sports store. It is one of my favorite stores for buying winter goods and I also was able to find my Vibram Five Finger Shoes there so I didn't totally mind this small incursion.

As I started browsing through their sock selection, I realized that there were more to socks then I realized. There were so many selections I kind of got overwhelmed. It was at that moment my parents voice chimed in. You see I had notice that the price was 20 dollars for the pair I had wanted. Now all of my life I had always bought the 6 pack of socks that were usually on sale for less than 10 dollars. Out of reflex I put the 20 dollar socks back on the rack and started looking for the "cheap socks". Well alas, they didn't have em. I caught my self saying that the sock were too expensive and just decided to buy em. They were the best socks I ever owned. I said to myself "my parents lied to me." Why would they not tell me about these great socks. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with being frugal and saving money but I realize that there is nothing wrong with paying more for a quality product. To whatever degree great products are made with passion (usually) and spending the extra money is in a way supporting passion.

Once again, starting this year in trying to find my purpose I realized that it involved finding my passion. Now I did the typical list making and still I wasn't content with the answers I was finding. I guess it worried me that I might be so far removed from who I was that I would never find it. Hence following my passions. Joe Vitale mentions in his book "that the Universe likes speed". Opportunities come up everyday. Sometimes we acknowledge them, sometimes we don't. But if I am to be true to who I am (in terms of finding my passion), then I realized that I would have to act on it immediately. When you say yes, so does the Universe. At times there are problems put before you to test your resolve, but if you are intent, then you won't even notice. And when you do notice the problems, also notice the lessons involved...Even it they are 20 dollar socks;)


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