Friday, October 21, 2011

Embracing Change

Much has been going on lately. In so many ways life has been changing for me. Not in a good or bad way but in an is what it is way. I actually enjoy the change in routine lately but that being said I have been slacking on this blog. As a quick recap the past four weeks challenges were:

-Week 39: Straighten Up/Improve Posture
-Week 40: The Facebook Experiment
-Week 41: Finding Spirituality
-Week 42: Living on the Fringe

Anyhow, before going into those weeks details, life as of late.

Like I said, much has been going on. Changes on the job, meeting new people. I am actually back into BJJ full force. I am also playing with my old band again, kinda weird actually. To tell you the truth, I haven't been able to digest a lot of the changes going on. It's more of a go with the flow, day by day type of thing. Some of the changes are well known:

Thanks Steve. RIP

I just heard that one of my friends father had a heart attack. My own dad is going in for a procedure on his heart. I guess if I had time to dwell on it, then it could possible affect me more, but for now, I have to move on and decide what is best to do in the moment and hope for the best. I guess in embracing some of the challenges of the past week, throw in a dash of previous challenges and I am seeing things in a new light. 

Now Week 39 was about improving posture. I guess it was more of a pet peeve of mine and also didn't require much in the way of effort (well it did require a lot of awareness). The main amount of effort came in the form of standing straight against the wall for a minute before leaving my house. Week 40 was about how Facebook friends are made and influenced. I spent some time working on things like writing on peoples pages and choosing carefully worded status updates. But it started to have larger ramifications when I started thinking about how my own attitude determined a lot of how people react to me. 

Weeks 40 and 41 were a throwback to finding some kind of spirituality in my life. I started embracing the take action ethos and jump first ask questions later type of thing, but then I started just to ask questions. Week 40 was embracing what I had known in term of Law Of Attraction to present moment awareness type of stuff, whereas week 41 was looking into the more mystical and really woo woo type of stuff. Things like horoscopes and more arcane forms of knowledge. 

Without going into too much detail, the weird "cocktail" of the past few weeks led to some new perspectives for me. I won't say that I have everything figured out, but my own perspective of life has changed ever so slightly. For now, I found this cool speech by Arnold:

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Weeks 37 and 38

It's technically week 39, but I do want to get caught up with the past couple of week challenges. But before we do that, you will notice some changes to the look of the blog. I am in super massive experimenting mood right now. I guess it's the past few weeks that have been causing this weird shift in me.

Before we get to that, let's see what I did the past couple of weeks.

Week 37:

It was massive networking week. I realized that I am the worst networker ever.  The book that I used as reference was a book by Joe Sweeney called "Networking is a Contact Sport". First off, this is an awesome book. I recommend it pretty much to anyone. It makes you realize that networking is such an important thing in this day and age. If you take away everything you have, what you have left is your network of friends, family and colleagues. His plan for networking is kind of interesting. He proposes a 5/10/15 action plan. In other words, everyday you have "5" interactions, you contact via mail or e-mail "10" people and you call "15" people. Yeah, I know, it's kind of tough. But I did learn some valuable skills and it is definitely something I should devote more time to.

Week 38:

A couple of weeks ago I was looking into creating a passive income sort of internet business. Well last week I started work on a brand new project. Actually a couple of projects. I am working on my first draft of an e-book and I should have the final in a month or so. I have to work on some of the photographs for it and have a few people test it out. It also means I've been working on getting up to speed on this type of business and that means reading... a lot. Oh well gotta love it.

Lights, Camera...Action!

I am typing this blog on one of my old computers. My charger for my macbook pro is now sadly passed over to the other side. I am not upset about this. I actually get to listen to some old music I have on this computer and it is bringing back some pretty cool memories. I've found some old journals on this computer and it has been like a trip down memory lane. Anyhow, I've been really intrigued by a couple of things lately. First off, I have been watching this show called "Restaurant Impossible" with Robert Irvin. Now don't get me wrong, I am far from being a cook, but the premise of the show is interesting. He goes into the restaurant and finds out why it is failing. He then goes about changing the restaurant in the span of 48 hours. Makes you want take action on your own life, even if you don't have a restaurant.

The other thing I have been into is this group of guys pushing the limit of what is possible. I guess I first started watching Rob Dyrdek, namely a documentary on his life and it kind of led to me thinking bigger and in walks Dude, Perfect. It's better that I show you.

They have an awesome book on going big. Basically, whatever you are thinking of doing, times it by 10 and go further than that. I love their attitude.

I just had to get one Rob Dyrdek vid in. Anyhow, I think it is time for me to pass safe!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

David was made by stripping away the unnecessary...

Happy Labor Day! What was I doing today? Laboring of course. I had an interesting week. I've been so overwhelmed with stuff lately and everything hit me all at once that I really felt run down. Okay was that me whining? Pretty much. If I ever needed a control-alt-delete it would be now.

Before I rant on, let's talk about the past couple of week challenges.

Week 35:

Look me in the eye!

The weeks challenge consisted of me working on my eye contact. It was influenced by a book called "The Power Of Eye Contact" by Michael Ellsberg. It was actually a very interesting experiment. I really do need a longer period of time before it becomes completely life changing but as such... I noticed also that wearing headphones  in the city along with lack of eye contact really made me withdraw into myself. I became aware of me isolating myself from life. Too deep.

Week 36:

I spent a week working on and researching Internet Businesses. I was reading some profiles on some people and I guess I was really intrigued with people able to make a living doing something on the internet.

It was also somewhat something of a small fear in me. A fear of putting things out there. I guess this blog could somewhat count in terms of putting things out there but I guess I reason it as no one really looks at this blog and it seems more self serving for me as a sort of journal for this past year. That being said, I am completely overwhelmed with great ideas. I am actually in the process of taking "actionable steps" towards several ideas that I had last week.

This weeks challenge is actually going to really embrace "Networking". I have a few books that I will mention in the next post that have actually influenced me. As for the stripping away.  I am embracing the fun quotient for this week. It may lead to other issues but I feel that "well it isn't working this way anyhow". What does this mean? I am going to try using fun as the gauge for if I am doing the right thing.

Anyhow, a really cool remake of a song that I have been enjoying lately...enjoy

Monday, August 22, 2011

Learning from the Stoics

This past week was spent reading books from "The Stoics". It was more of learning of a philosophy then any particular challenges. Unfortunately I only had a week but I did learn some interesting lessons.

I guess I was jaded a little bit from the self help movement. I was noticing the past few years that I started to lean towards business books then my usual litany of self help books. Actually let me go back a little bit here.

When I was younger I guess I believed in whatever I was raised to believe. I guess if I had to choose something that I believed in back then I guess it was in the basics of religion I was raised to believe in. I then slowly moved to the Occult. I remember finding a book of mantras and remember thinking it was really cool. It kind of lead to a few other books but I guess it wasn't too crazy. I mean I didn't have any voodoo dolls or anything, but on a surface level it was "the occult". After that I kind of moved into super religion, almost evangelistic. It kind of was what I did until a few people that I thought were good turned out to not be so. After that I kind of went towards there is no God deal. I pretty much just figured it was all useless and just do what you do. And thatttttt (wow this is kind of a long evolution)moved towards the Self Help  do it, take action kind of philosophy. I set goals and just took a lot of action. That slowly shifted to a "Law of Attraction" kind of philosophy. Now where do I stand at this point in my life. I think it is kind of complicated. I do believe in something more out there. I also think that the law of attraction is fine but you also have to get out there and fail. You have to be willing to try out things. Leading to Stoicism.

I learned about these philosophers who preached a very practical approach to living over two thousand years ago. They were known as Stoics. I especially enjoyed the works of Seneca. A typical idea of the philosophy would be for example, if you are afraid of losing your job and poverty, actually spend a week having no money. Or making 20 dollars last all week. After going through this type of process you realize that it isn't going to kill you and that you are able to survive something like this. It might not be easy but I did learn a lot from this approach to life. If you are interested in the philosophy definitely check out the works of Seneca. I kind of jump around from the different letters that he wrote and pick up something everytime I read him.

Anyhow somethings to check out:

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

So distracted....hmmmmm

What makes for a year challenge leads to much distraction. I can't say that makes for a good excuse to not keeping 100 percent current with this blog but then again, I wish I had more time in the day.

I have been into so many cool things lately and reading and learning a lot. I really wish I had more time. I realize there are so many cool things in this world if I only had the time. I also realize that who we are as people are pretty much determined by our thoughts and beliefs about who we are. Trying out so many different things has a way of causing you to evaluate the many different perspectives about what is really possible (in a non self help guru kind of way).

I have been trying to maintain my personal focus as well as trying out different weekly challenges and also maintaining the basics of everyday  living (job, friends, family and such). I can't say that there are some things that haven't suffered and maybe at this time in my life that's okay.

So what did I do these past few weeks:

Week 31:

Baby Steps. Or to be more precise the concept of Kaizen. It was a process of thinking smaller and doing smaller. I got pretty much the entire philosophy from a book entitled "One Small Step Can Change Your Life" by Robert Maurer. I guess the lack of focus got to me and I was getting overwhelmed so I really kind of took to this book.

Much of the philosophy concerned making changes in such small incremental steps that it bypassed any internal resistance to change. One of the examples being going from a Venti (large)coffee drink to a Grande (medium) if I want to slowly end an addiction to coffee. If I have some project, I would do the smallest possible step. For example doing laundry, I might just take out the laundry bag. Those are small examples but I have to admit, it definitely made a difference and you should definitely check out the book.

Week 32:

Getting funky. I actually decided to try my hand at slap bass. That sort of funky, slapping popping type of bass sound. It was kind of fun. I mean, heck I sucked at it but it was definitely interesting. Once again a week made it kind of not enough time to get even half way decent but interesting none the less.

Week 33:

I actually got back to drawing. One of the earlier challenges was "Art Week". This week was strictly drawing. It's actually something I intend to do a little longer than a week. I am actually going through a book by Mark Kistler called Drawing in 30 days. I always loved Mark Kistler and his Kaizen approach to teaching drawing.

So anyhow, that should bring me up to date. For now. I am trying to be more forgiving with my situation and I have a bunch of habits that keep me sane but also take up much of my time. I am hoping to get my Jiu Jitsu back on track and just get myself focused again. Until then something else to try...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

"The ends justify the means..."

So it's been awhile. I think I am going to use that as my opening phrase for the rest of these blogs lol. The past three weeks have been quite interesting. The challenges have revolved around some interesting issues in my life. The challenges from the past three weeks were:


I know, not terribly exciting. But for whatever reason, the past few weeks started off with me reading about John Adams and Benjamin Franklin and then that became an off shoot of reading about the aforementioned topics.

The most interesting book of the bunch I read was "Winning at Office Politics" by Marie G McIntyre. What a great read. I also read Freakonomics  and a few books on Negotiating and Economics. A good one being "The Little Book of Economics" by Greg Ip.

Now I'm the type of guy who kind of just deals with life in a "go with the flow fashion". I never really paid attention to how the interplay and dynamics of people come together. I learned that I dealt with life from a small bubble of my consciousness and instead of dealing with life as it really was. Now I don't want to come off like I've become all paranoid and I really feel that I've only scratched the surface of what is possible with this newfound revelation. But like I've mentioned before, 7 days is not a long time.

Anyhow a few things inspiring me lately:

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Latest Update

I am writing this on my iPhone at a Barnes and Nobles enjoying a green tea and almonds. I am currently listening to the film scores channel on Pandora. I had a couple of free hours to kill before work and I figured I really need to update the blog more often so I am trying my best to try different ways to do that.

First off some updates. Last weeks challenge for me was to take time and actually do some chores. Yes, like when I was 12 and had chores to do. Tasks such as everyday cleaning and scrubbing to paying bills and finishing projects around the house that needed tomget done. Tell you the truth, I found it kind of relaxing. In a sense it was almost grounding. From doing laundry to scrubbing my bathroom (which I realized I should do more often). I put on my headphones and pretty much got everything I wanted to get done. If I could only keep this up lol.

This weeks challenge is gonna lead to he next few challenges. I would consider myself a relatively creatI've person (lol), but with that comes certain tasks that I do not enjoy. Activities that are more left brained in theory. These are areas I have avoided in one way or another my whole life. The specific tasks being in no particular order:

-dealing with difficult people or situations
-social and political awareness

I realize this specific objectives and challenges are gonna be harder to quantify by I realized that these area will definitely help me out in some major areas of life. This week I have been reading negotiating books and hopefully in my line of work I will be able to practice some of these things. Otherwise I'm gonna have to get creative in how I approach these specific "arts". Anyhow my hands are cramping up. So for now i say adieu...